Groups Attendance Dashboard

Chef Plus Recipe - Groups Attendance Dashboard

Chef Plus recipe's require a monthly subscription.

A dashboard that shows if a group took attendance, or canceled, or didn't take attendance. It shows The Leaders, Members, Visitors, and Applicants for each group and the group events for the last week.

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Demo Church - Groups Dashboard

Group Type Status Leaders Members Visitors Applicants Total
Worship Ministry
5 | 14 77 | 310 0 0 82
Serve Groups
5 | 4 10 | 30 0 0 15
Leadership/Staff Groups
0 | 2 0 | 83 0 0 0
Preschool Sunday School
12 | 15 74 | 170 13 0 99
Children's Sunday School
29 | 31 103 | 256 4 0 136
Youth Sunday School
18 | 22 64 | 203 4 1 87
College Sunday School
3 | 10 25 | 106 6 0 34
Adult Sunday School
53 | 83 408 | 1400 51 0 512
Preschool Early Birds and Worship
8 | 14 74 | 198 12 0 94
Wednesday Evening Activities
0 | 71 0 | 592 0 0 0
Total 133 | 281 835 | 3832 90 1 1059

This dashboard will update every 15-20 min for subscribers.